circuit analysis — schemų analizė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. circuit analysis; network analysis vok. Netzwerkanalyse, f; Schaltungsanalyse, f rus. анализ схем, m pranc. analyse des circuits, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Worst case circuit analysis — (WCCA or WCA) is a cost effective means of screening a design to ensure with a high degree of confidence that potential defects and deficiencies are identified and eliminated PRIOR TO and DURING test, production, and delivery. It is a… … Wikipedia
GNU Circuit Analysis Package — Gnucap is a general purpose circuit simulator started by Albert Davis [ [ contributors] ] in 1993 [ [ version history] ] , with the latest (0.35) in 2006.It performs… … Wikipedia
Circuit theory — For the theory of monetary economics, see monetary circuit theory. Circuit theory is the theory of accomplishing work by means of routing matter through a loop.[citation needed] The types of matter used are: In electronic or electrical circuits:… … Wikipedia
Circuit extraction — The electric circuit extraction or simply circuit extraction, also netlist extraction, is the translation of an integrated circuit layout back into the electrical circuit (netlist) it is intended to represent. This extracted circuit is needed for … Wikipedia
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
Circuit design — The process of circuit design can cover systems ranging from complex electronic systems all the way down to the individual transistors within an integrated circuit. For simple circuits the design process can often be done by one person without… … Wikipedia
Circuit de Sawyer-Tower — On appelle circuit de Sawyer Tower un montage électrique permettant la mesure du cycle d hystérésis de la polarisation en fonction de champ électrique dans un matériau ferroélectrique. Il est ainsi nommé d après ses inventeurs qui l ont… … Wikipédia en Français
Circuit of culture — The Circuit of Culture is a theory or framework used in the area of cultural studies. It was devised in 1997 by a group of theorists when studying the Walkman cassette player. The theory suggests that in studying a cultural text or artifact you… … Wikipedia
Circuit de récompense — Système de récompense Neurosciences Niveaux d analyse Moléculaire • … Wikipédia en Français
Network analysis (electrical circuits) — Linear Network Analysis Elements … Wikipedia